How to Embed You Tube Videos in PowerPoint?

Have you ever thought of adding YouTube videos to your PowerPoint presentation to make it more attractive? Since there are abundant of online flash videos in many websites, many of which are funny and full of demonstrative element and so proper to be shown, is it possible to play these flash video in PowerPoint?

Yes. If the flash video can be played on your computer it is absolutely possible. With an ActiveX Control - Shockwave Flash Object, you can play YouTube videos in your presentation with great ease. If you cannot connect to You Tube via your internet browser, then you will not be able to embed these videos. Plus, some content posted on You Tube is not able to be streamed inside of PowerPoint 2003.

Follow the directions below - click link for step by step with screenshots

Step 1: Get URL of YouTube video

Find the flash video in YouTube, click it to make sure it plays; stop the video.
Click on the word “Embed” below the video. Copy the content in the box below "Embed" and paste it in a Word document. The value or embed src is the URL of the YouTube video.

Step 2: Insert the ActiveX Control Shockwave Flash Object to your PowerPoint

Find the specific PowerPoint slide on which you want to play the video
Click the "View" tab in the menu bar, then choose "Toolbars" in sub-menu, later "Control Toolbox" to display" Control Toolbar" Click on the icon with the tools on "Control Toolbar", a cascaded list will appear, scroll down the list until get to Shockwave Flash Object item and click this item. Then draw a box for the size of the video and the ActiveX Control is inserted successfully!

Step 3: Add the YouTube video link to your PowerPoint

Right click the ActiveX Control Shockwave Flash Object, select "Properties", there will pop up a window. On the "Alphabetic" tab in properties window, click the "movie" item, in the value column (the blank cell next to "Movie"), copy/paste URL of the YouTube video as shown above. YOU DO NOT COPY/PASTE THE ENTIRE URL. Do NOT copy the quotes, and it usually ends with “amp”.

Step 4: Fine tune YouTube video in your PowerPoint file

You can set specific options for how the video played in the slideshow, do the following, and when you have done, close the Properties dialog box. Since the video file from YouTube has a Start/Pause control built into it, if the Playing property is set to True, you can set it False to disable the Start/Pause control. If you don't want the video be played repeatedly, in the Loop property, select False (click the cell to get a down arrow, click the arrow, and select False).
In the EmbedMovie property, click True; you can embed this presentation to another computer. Of course, in order for the YouTube video to run, the Shockwave Flash Object control still needs to be registered on any computer that runs this presentation.

With the slide displayed in normal view, click the Slide Show button in the lower left of the PowerPoint window (or press F5, or, on the Slide Show menu, click View Show) to run the YouTube Video.

When finished you will have a YouTube Video Embedded in your Presentation:

Use the helpful handout for a step by step guide with pictures


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