Brainstorming and sharing student thinking with Socrative

How would you like to collect student written thoughts digitally and then push those thoughts back to students to select top responses anonymously or not? 

Well Socrative will make this easy for you!  As a teacher visit Socrative and create an account, create a room name under your profile that is easy to remember. Then do the following:

1. Have students visit
2. Have students enter your room number
3. As a teacher, click "short answer" option under quick question
4. Enter your question prompt or give it verbally
5. Choose unlimited responses and whether or not you want to collect student names
6. Click Start 
7. Have students enter their responses
8. When desired time is up, click start vote
9. This will push all accepted answers back to student's screens
10. Have students select top answers, Socrative will rank them for you 

Socrative lets teachers engage and assess their students with educational activities on tablets, chromebooks and smartphones. Through the use of real time questioning, instant result aggregation and visualization, teachers can gauge the whole class' current level of understanding. 
Socrative saves teachers time so the class can further collaborate, discuss, extend and grow as a community of learners. 
See exactly what you students will see.  Log onto a computer and create a quiz/activity.  Grab a tablet or phone and join your room as a student. (Change room number under profile in menu top right)
Using it as a Teacher
  • Visit - or use Teacher Socrative App
  • Select Create an Account and Remember Login Information
  • Create one of the following activities and launch:
    • Quiz - like a paper/pencil quiz
    • Quick Question- verbal questions (multipe choice, short answer or T/F) 
    • Space Race - exciting competition game for questions
    • Exit Ticket - preset template to gauge understanding
      • How well did you get today's material? (multiple choice)
      • What did we learn in today's class? (short text response)
      • Please answer the teacher's question. (short text response)
Using it as a Student - NO PRESET ACCOUNTS NEEDED
Tips for Use:

1. Create quiz templates with Q1, Q2 and Q3 and just enter A, B, C, D for the answers.  Saves the time of creating all your questions.  Just hand students the quiz on paper and collect answers via Socrative.

2. Use the pre-formatted EXIT Ticket to gauge and check for understanding after a lesson

3. Use the space race activity as pre-test competitive class game.


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